Stockholm Meeting
JCT-3V number MPEG number Created First upload Last upload Title Source
JCT3V-A0001 m25277 2012-06-29 17:45:36 2012-07-15 18:04:20 2012-07-15 18:14:57 Ad hoc on 3D Video Coding Karsten Müller, Anthony Vetro
JCT3V-A0002 m25751 2012-07-05 08:34:47 2012-07-09 13:26:11 2012-07-09 13:26:11 3DV-ATM HP high-level syntax: HRD parameters for texture sub-bitstreams M. M. Hannuksela (Nokia)
JCT3V-A0003 m25753 2012-07-05 11:57:54 2012-07-10 11:09:27 2012-07-10 14:11:49 3DV: Test data and view synthesis software for warp coding and IDW-based view synthesis experiments Nikolce Stefanoski, Aljoscha Smolic
JCT3V-A0004 m25754 2012-07-05 12:03:06 2012-07-10 11:10:32 2012-07-10 14:12:09 3DV: Results on coding of warps using HEVC Nikolce Stefanoski, Can Bal, Aljoscha Smolic
JCT3V-A0005 m25755 2012-07-05 12:03:54 3DV: Proposal of a CE on Warp Coding Nikolce Stefanoski, Aljoscha Smolic Withdrawn
JCT3V-A0006 m25766 2012-07-05 21:54:56 2012-07-16 00:19:28 2012-07-16 00:19:28 Ad hoc on 3D Video Coding High Level Syntax Ying Chen, Thomas Rusert, Heiko Schwarz
JCT3V-A0007 m25780 2012-07-06 08:55:18 2012-07-06 09:01:48 2012-07-06 09:01:48 3D-AVC HLS: Depth Range Parameter Set for MVC Compatible 3D Video Coding M. LI, P. WU(ZTE)
JCT3V-A0008 m25781 2012-07-06 08:56:23 2012-07-06 09:04:31 2012-07-20 10:57:05 3D-AVC HLS: Depth Range Parameter Set for AVC Compatible 3D Video Coding M. LI, P. WU(ZTE)
JCT3V-A0009 m25801 2012-07-06 20:20:49 2012-07-10 16:39:17 2012-07-10 16:39:17 3D-CE1.h summary report: View synthesis and inter-view prediction Fabian Jäger (RWTH Aachen University)
JCT3V-A0010 m25802 2012-07-06 20:27:05 2012-07-10 16:44:39 2012-07-16 09:51:49 3D-CE6.h related: Model-based Intra Coding for Depth Maps using a Depth Lookup Table Fabian Jäger (RWTH Aachen University)
JCT3V-A0011 m25805 2012-07-06 23:54:54 2012-07-11 22:46:57 2012-07-12 20:15:30 CE1.a summary report: View synthesis and inter-view prediction Dong Tian (MERL)
JCT3V-A0012 m25840 2012-07-09 06:45:44 2012-07-11 06:34:06 2012-07-11 06:54:50 Tentative working draft text for the HEVC compatible 3D video coding extension Gerhard Tech, Philipp Merkle, Martin Winken, Heiko Schwarz, Karsten Mueller, Thomas Wiegand
JCT3V-A0013 m25842 2012-07-09 08:06:27 2012-07-11 07:34:39 2012-07-17 17:36:01 3D-CE5.h related: Simplification of depth-based inter-view prediction Tadashi Uchiumi, Tomohiro Ikai, Yoshiya Yamamoto (Sharp)
JCT3V-A0014 m25843 2012-07-09 08:08:31 2012-07-11 10:55:48 2012-07-17 17:49:48 3D-CE5.h related: Simplification of AMVP Yoshiya Yamamoto, Tomohiro Ikai, Tadashi Uchiumi (Sharp)
JCT3V-A0015 m25851 2012-07-09 09:04:09 2012-07-10 14:09:32 2012-07-10 14:09:32 3D-CE1.a results on inter-view coding with adaptive luminance compensation by Samsung Alexey Fartukov, Igor Kovliga, Mikhail Mishurovskiy, Jaejoon Lee, Konstantin Dubkov
JCT3V-A0016 m26082 2012-07-10 13:26:39 2012-07-13 17:01:03 2012-07-13 17:01:03 3DV-CE2.h adaptive quantization for depth map (AQD) Junghak Nam, Sunmi Yoo, Hyomin Choi, Hyunho Jo, Donggyu Sim(KWU), Gun Bang, Won-Sik Cheong, Namho Hur(ETRI)
JCT3V-A0017 m26083 2012-07-10 13:28:52 3DV-CE2.h adaptive quantization for depth map (AQD) Withdrawn
JCT3V-A0018 m26085 2012-07-10 13:37:34 2012-07-10 22:32:58 2012-07-10 22:32:58 3D-CE1.h Results on View Synthesis Prediction Shinya Shimizu, Shiori Sugimoto, Hideaki Kimata (NTT), Dong Tian, Feng Zou, Anthony Vetro (MERL)
JCT3V-A0019 m26086 2012-07-10 13:50:31 2012-07-10 22:33:27 2012-07-10 22:33:27 3D-CE1.a: Cross check on Nokia Proposal on Block based View Synthesis Prediction JCT2-A0107 Feng Zou, Dong Tian, Anthony Vetro (MERL)
JCT3V-A0020 m26087 2012-07-10 14:00:01 2012-07-10 22:34:43 2012-07-11 14:16:37 3D-CE5.a: Cross check on MediaTek Proposal on Motion Vector Competition-Based Skip/Direct Mode JCT2-A0045 Dong Tian, Anthony Vetro (MERL)
JCT3V-A0021 m26089 2012-07-10 14:13:01 2012-07-10 17:20:38 2012-07-17 11:53:33 3D-HEVC HLS: Inter-layer SPS Prediction Thomas Rusert (Ericsson)
JCT3V-A0022 m26093 2012-07-10 14:47:24 2012-07-10 16:07:26 2012-07-11 16:29:30 CE1.a results on adaptive illumination compensation Shinya Shimizu, Shiori Sugimoto, Hideaki Kimata (NTT)
JCT3V-A0023 m26094 2012-07-10 14:48:33 2012-07-10 16:07:51 2012-07-11 16:29:14 CE1.a related results on the modification of in-loop view synthesis Shinya Shimizu, Shiori Sugimoto, Hideaki Kimata (NTT)
JCT3V-A0024 m26095 2012-07-10 14:52:47 2012-07-11 17:25:46 2012-07-11 17:25:46 3D-CE1.a: Cross-check report of JCT2-A0015 on inter-view coding with adaptive luminance compensation Shinya Shimizu (NTT)
JCT3V-A0025 m26096 2012-07-10 14:53:30 2012-07-11 17:26:02 2012-07-11 17:26:02 3D-CE1.a related: Cross-check report of JCT2-A0036 on dilation based view synthesis prediction without upsampling Shinya Shimizu (NTT)
JCT3V-A0026 m26097 2012-07-10 14:54:56 2012-07-11 06:55:41 2012-07-15 01:12:37 3D-HLS: On Slice Header and Parameter Set B. Choi, J. Kim, J. Park (Samsung)
JCT3V-A0027 m26098 2012-07-10 14:56:39 2012-07-11 17:26:14 2012-07-11 17:26:14 Cross-check report of JCT2-A0042 on improved inside view motion prediction Shinya Shimizu (NTT)
JCT3V-A0028 m26099 2012-07-10 14:58:50 2012-07-11 18:15:43 2012-07-11 18:15:43 3D-CE5.a related: Cross-check report of JCT2-A0040 on improved skip and direct motion vector prediction Shinya Shimizu (NTT)
JCT3V-A0029 m26100 2012-07-10 14:59:09 2012-07-11 18:16:24 2012-07-11 18:16:24 3D-CE5.a related: Cross-check report of JCT2-A0041 on depth-based motion vector prediction for asymmetric texture and depth resolutions Shinya Shimizu (NTT)
JCT3V-A0030 m25891 2012-07-09 14:03:05 3D-CE6: crosscheck of JCT2-A0010, "Model-based Intra Coding for Depth Maps using a Depth Lookup Table" Imed Bouazizi, Giovanni Cordara, Lukasz Kondrad, Withdrawn
JCT3V-A0031 m25894 2012-07-09 14:05:43 2012-07-10 13:50:19 2012-07-12 02:58:52 3D-CE5.h related results on improved residual prediction Jin Young Lee, Byeongdoo Choi, Jaehyun Kim, Jaejoon Lee, Jeonghoon Park, Du Sik Park (Samsung)
JCT3V-A0032 m25895 2012-07-09 14:07:01 2012-07-10 14:12:22 2012-07-10 14:12:22 3D-CE6.h related results on depth intra prediction Byung Tae Oh, Jaejoon Lee, Du Sik Park (Samsung)
JCT3V-A0033 m25896 2012-07-09 14:09:06 2012-07-10 14:16:51 2012-07-10 14:16:51 3D-CE8.h results on view synthesis optimization Byung Tae Oh, Jaejoon Lee, Du Sik Park (Samsung), Gerhard Tech, Karsten Müller, Thomas Wiegand (HHI)
JCT3V-A0034 m25897 2012-07-09 14:12:24 2012-07-10 14:24:34 2012-07-18 11:17:19 3DV SEI messages on depth perception Kwan-Jung Oh, Jaejoon Lee, Du Sik Park (Samsung)
JCT3V-A0035 m25879 2012-07-09 13:47:05 2012-07-10 14:31:19 2012-07-10 14:31:19 3D-CE1.a results on dilation based view synthesis prediction with upsampling Seok Lee, Seungsin Lee, Ho-Cheon Wey, Jaejoon Lee (Samsung)
JCT3V-A0036 m25882 2012-07-09 13:53:36 2012-07-10 14:34:28 2012-07-12 02:16:51 3D-CE1.a related results on dilation based view synthesis prediction without upsampling Seok Lee, Seungsin Lee, Ho-Cheon Wey, Jin Young Lee, Jaejoon Lee(Samsung)
JCT3V-A0037 m25884 2012-07-09 13:55:15 2012-07-10 15:13:21 2012-07-10 15:13:21 3D-CE3.a results on region based adaptive loop filter Ilsoon Lim, Ho-Cheon Wey, Jaejoon Lee (Samsung)
JCT3V-A0038 m25885 2012-07-09 13:56:48 2012-07-10 15:15:55 2012-07-10 15:15:55 3D-CE3.a results on dilation filter for depth post processing Seok Lee, Seungsin Lee, Ho-Cheon Wey, Jaejoon Lee (Samsung)
JCT3V-A0039 m25887 2012-07-09 13:59:31 2012-07-10 15:17:55 2012-07-12 10:55:20 3D-CE3.a related results on depth hybrid post filter Seungsin Lee, Seok Lee, Ho-Cheon Wey, Jaejoon Lee (Samsung)
JCT3V-A0040 m25889 2012-07-09 14:00:34 2012-07-10 15:20:41 2012-07-10 15:20:41 3D-CE5.a related results on improved skip and direct motion vector prediction Jin Young Lee, Jaejoon Lee, Du-Sik Park (Samsung), Tadashi Uchiumi, Yoshiya Yamamoto (Sharp),
JCT3V-A0041 m25890 2012-07-09 14:02:22 2012-07-10 15:26:29 2012-07-10 15:26:29 3D-CE5.a related results on depth-based motion vector prediction for asymmetric texture and depth resolutions Jin Young Lee, Jaejoon Lee, Du Sik Park (Samsung)
JCT3V-A0042 m25892 2012-07-09 14:03:32 2012-07-10 15:29:04 2012-07-10 15:29:04 3D-AVC results on improved inside view motion prediction Kwan-Jung Oh, Jaejoon Lee, Du Sik Park (Samsung)
JCT3V-A0043 m25912 2012-07-09 16:34:50 2012-07-12 16:57:42 2012-07-14 12:32:00 3D-CE5.a summary report: motion/mode parameter prediction Yu-Lin Chang (MediaTek)
JCT3V-A0044 m25914 2012-07-09 16:40:15 2012-07-10 08:43:42 2012-07-15 10:31:01 Depth Quadtree Prediction for HTM J. Jung, K. Viswanathan
JCT3V-A0045 m25916 2012-07-09 16:42:19 2012-07-10 17:48:07 2012-07-17 14:10:08 3D-CE5.a results on motion vector competition-based Skip/Direct mode with explicit signaling Jian-Liang Lin, Yi-Wen Chen, Yu-Lin Chang, Yu-Pao Tsai, Yu-Wen Huang, Shawmin Lei (MediaTek)
JCT3V-A0046 m25917 2012-07-09 16:44:09 2012-07-10 17:51:18 2012-07-19 18:05:15 3D-CE5.a related: Simplification on the disparity vector derivation for AVC-based 3D video coding Jian-Liang Lin, Yi-Wen Chen, Yu-Wen Huang, Shawmin Lei (MediaTek)
JCT3V-A0047 m25918 2012-07-09 16:47:15 2012-07-10 18:00:58 2012-07-12 08:11:15 3D-CE5.h related: Simplification on disparity vector derivation for HEVC-based 3D video coding Jian-Liang Lin, Yi-Wen Chen, Yu-Wen Huang, Shawmin Lei (MediaTek)
JCT3V-A0048 m25919 2012-07-09 16:48:48 2012-07-10 18:02:57 2012-07-12 08:11:39 3D-CE5.h related: Pruning process for inter-view candidate Jian-Liang Lin, Yi-Wen Chen, Yu-Wen Huang, Shawmin Lei (MediaTek)
JCT3V-A0049 m25920 2012-07-09 16:49:38 2012-07-10 18:05:39 2012-07-12 08:12:05 3D-CE5.h related: Inter-view motion prediction for HEVC-based 3D video coding Jicheng An, Yi-Wen Chen, Jian-Liang Lin, Yu-Wen Huang, Shawmin Lei (MediaTek)
JCT3V-A0050 m25921 2012-07-09 16:51:21 2012-07-10 17:40:32 2012-07-11 03:30:11 3D-CE1.a related: Interview Skip mode with sub-partition scheme Chi-Ling Wu, Yu-Lin Chang, Yu-Pao Tsai, Shawmin Lei (MediaTek)
JCT3V-A0051 m25924 2012-07-09 16:55:41 2012-07-13 18:29:07 2012-07-13 18:29:07 Cross-check report for M25889 on CE5.a related: improved skip and direct motion vector prediction Yi-Wen Chen, Jian-Liang Lin, Yu-Wen Huang (MediaTek)
JCT3V-A0052 m25925 2012-07-09 16:56:38 2012-07-13 18:29:03 2012-07-13 18:29:03 Cross-check report for M25890 on CE5.a related: depth-based motion vector prediction for asymmetric texture and depth resolutions Yi-Wen Chen, Jian-Liang Li, Yu-Wen Huang (MediaTek)
JCT3V-A0053 m25930 2012-07-09 17:20:44 2012-07-11 17:00:24 2012-07-11 17:00:24 3DV-ATM HP/EHP HLS:Camera Parameter Set (CPS) for camera parameter signaling Peng Lu, Yin Zhao, Lu Yu
JCT3V-A0054 m25931 2012-07-09 17:22:31 3D-HEVC HLS: SEI message for camera parameter signaling Peng Lu, Yin Zhao, Lu Yu Withdrawn
JCT3V-A0055 m25932 2012-07-09 17:24:09 2012-07-11 16:40:17 2012-07-11 16:44:47 3D-CE1.a results on flexible rendering precision Yin Zhao, Lu Yu
JCT3V-A0056 m25933 2012-07-09 17:26:16 2012-07-11 16:44:04 2012-07-24 14:59:23 3D-CE1.a related: improvement on NTT’s synthesis with fractional disparity Yin Zhao, Yichen Zhang, Lu Yu
JCT3V-A0057 m25935 2012-07-09 17:32:47 2012-07-14 16:41:20 2012-07-20 09:23:57 3D-CE8.h results on JRDO Li Wang, Lu Yu
JCT3V-A0058 m25937 2012-07-09 17:40:09 2012-07-11 16:47:43 2012-07-11 16:47:43 3D-CE1.a cross check report of dilation based view synthesis prediction with upsampling by Samsung (m25879/JCT2-A0035) Yin Zhao
JCT3V-A0059 m25945 2012-07-09 18:46:32 2012-07-11 07:09:45 2012-07-12 10:40:39 Cross Check of 3D-CE7.h Results on Global Depth and View Prediction of NICT by NISRI Kazuyoshi SUZUKI, Masayuki TANIMOTO
JCT3V-A0060 m25967 2012-07-09 20:23:33 2012-07-12 20:14:28 2012-07-12 20:14:28 3D-CE3 results on depth boundary filtering as post-processing Yunseok Song, Cheon Lee, Yo-Sung Ho
JCT3V-A0061 m25984 2012-07-09 23:52:08 2012-07-10 15:35:59 2012-07-10 15:35:59 3D-CE1.a: Cross check on sub-pel VSP simplification of NTT Seok Lee, Jaejoon Lee (Samsung)
JCT3V-A0062 m25985 2012-07-09 23:53:15 2012-07-10 15:39:11 2012-07-10 15:39:11 3D-CE1.a: Cross check on synthesis with fractional disparity of Zhejiang Univ.(JCT2-A0056) Ilsoon Lim (Samsung),
JCT3V-A0063 m25987 2012-07-09 23:53:44 2012-07-12 04:20:09 2012-07-12 04:20:09 3D-CE1.a: Cross check on interview skip/direct mode with sub-partition scheme of MediaTek (JCT2-A0050) Ilsoon Lim, Jin Young Lee (Samsung)
JCT3V-A0064 m25988 2012-07-09 23:54:10 2012-07-12 06:00:22 2012-07-12 06:00:22 3D-CE3.a: Cross check on depth post processing of Nokia Ho-Cheon Wey, Jaejojon Lee (Samsung)
JCT3V-A0065 m25989 2012-07-09 23:54:46 2012-07-12 06:04:44 2012-07-12 06:04:44 3D-CE3.a: Cross check on depth pre/post processing of Nokia Ho-Cheon Wey, Jaejoon Lee (Samsung), ,
JCT3V-A0066 m25990 2012-07-09 23:55:10 2012-07-12 07:07:45 2012-07-12 07:07:45 3D-CE3.a: Cross check on depth boundary filter of GIST Ho-Cheon Wey, Jaejoon Lee (Samsung)
JCT3V-A0067 m25991 2012-07-09 23:55:56 2012-07-10 15:41:25 2012-07-12 02:04:13 3D-CE5.a: Cross check on DMVP simplification of Nokia Kwan-Jung Oh, Jin Young Lee, Jaejojon Lee, Du Sik Park (Samsung),
JCT3V-A0068 m26010 2012-07-10 02:11:26 2012-07-11 01:35:27 2012-07-13 06:57:30 3D-CE6.h: Simple region-based intra prediction for depth-map Jin Heo, EunYong Son, Sehoon Yea
JCT3V-A0069 m26011 2012-07-10 02:12:42 2012-07-10 02:17:15 2012-07-12 04:29:07 3DV CE7.h results on Global Depth and View Prediction by NICT Takanori Senoh, Kenji Yamamoto, , Ryutaro Oi, y.ichihashi@nict.go.jpYasuyuki Ichihashi,
JCT3V-A0070 m26012 2012-07-10 02:13:01 2012-07-11 01:36:22 2012-07-20 09:38:18 3D-CE6.h: Region boundary chain coding for depth-map Jin Heo, Eunyong Son, Sehoon Yea
JCT3V-A0071 m26013 2012-07-10 02:26:56 2012-07-14 09:39:40 2012-07-14 11:08:39 3DV CE7 summary on Global Depth and View Prediction Takanori Senoh
JCT3V-A0072 m26014 2012-07-10 02:35:47 2012-07-10 02:46:24 2012-07-10 02:47:55 Proposal on Simple Test Model for 3DV Coding based on CE7 Takanori Senoh, Kenji Yamamoto, Ryutaro Oi, Yasuyuki Ichihashi, Masayuki Tanimoto, Kazuyoshi Suzuki
JCT3V-A0073 m26016 2012-07-10 02:54:48 2012-07-10 03:00:54 2012-07-12 14:07:16 Proposal of Depth-aware 3DV Test Condition and Evaluation Takanori Senoh, Kenji Yamamoto, Ryutaro Oi, Yasuyuki Ichihashi, Masayuki Tanimoto, Kazuyoshi Suzuki
JCT3V-A0074 m26018 2012-07-10 04:09:35 2012-07-11 01:47:58 2012-07-14 19:26:44 3DV-ATM HP: Proposed HRD text for ISO/IEC 14496-10:2012/PDAM 2 MVC extensions for inclusion of depth maps S. Hattori, T. Suzuki (Sony), Y. Chen (Qualcomm), A. Vetro (MERL)
JCT3V-A0075 m26019 2012-07-10 04:12:59 2012-07-11 01:51:16 2012-07-11 01:51:16 3DV-ATM HP Technical Input : A study on depth range based weighted prediction tool S. Hattori, T. Suzuki (Sony)
JCT3V-A0076 m26021 2012-07-10 04:59:02 2012-07-12 14:58:59 2012-07-15 09:34:18 CE5.h Summary Report : Motion/mode Parameter Prediction Sehoon Yea
JCT3V-A0077 m26022 2012-07-10 05:31:33 2012-07-12 15:29:30 2012-07-15 09:31:54 CE8 Summary Report : RD-Optimization Sehoon Yea (LG Electronics)
JCT3V-A0078 m26023 2012-07-10 05:39:50 2012-07-11 13:51:09 2012-07-11 13:51:09 3D-CE5.a: Cross check on motion vector competition-based skip/direct mode with explicit signaling (JCT2-A0045) Jin Young Lee (Samsung),
JCT3V-A0079 m26025 2012-07-10 05:47:51 2012-07-14 07:57:53 2012-07-14 07:57:53 3D-CE5.h: Cross check on pruning process for inter-view candidate of MediaTek (JCT2-A0048) Jin Young Lee (Samsung)
JCT3V-A0080 m26026 2012-07-10 05:49:29 2012-07-11 13:54:37 2012-07-11 13:54:37 3D-CE5.h: Cross check on simplification of depth-based inter-view prediction of Sharp Jin Young Lee (Samsung)
JCT3V-A0081 m26027 2012-07-10 05:51:29 2012-07-16 08:01:50 2012-07-16 08:01:50 3D-CE6.h: Cross check on region boundary chain coding for depth map of LG Byung Tae Oh (Samsung)
JCT3V-A0082 m26029 2012-07-10 05:56:48 2012-07-11 14:00:14 2012-07-11 14:00:14 3D-CE6.h: Cross check on intra skip mode for depth map I-slices of LG Jin Young Lee, Kwan-Jung Oh (Samsung),
JCT3V-A0083 m26034 2012-07-10 06:47:02 2012-07-11 09:01:05 2012-07-13 10:44:47 CE8.h: Results of Simplification of View Synthesis Optimization by Detection of Zero Distortion Change in Synthesized View S.Wang, S.Ma, H.Liu, J.Jia
JCT3V-A0084 m26035 2012-07-10 07:05:44 2012-07-11 01:37:03 2012-07-13 06:58:27 3D-CE6.h: Cross check on fast wedgelet search of HHI Jin Heo, Eunyong Son, Sehoon Yea
JCT3V-A0085 m26036 2012-07-10 07:08:21 2012-07-11 01:37:56 2012-07-11 01:37:56 3D-CE6.h: Cross check on plane segmentation based intra prediction (PSIP) of Samsung Jin Heo, Eunyong Son, Sehoon Yea
JCT3V-A0086 m26038 2012-07-10 08:57:33 2012-07-11 14:21:30 2012-07-20 11:06:08 3D-CE1.h related: Illumination Compensation for Inter-View Prediction H.Liu, J.Jung, J.Sung, J.Jia, S.Yea,
JCT3V-A0087 m26039 2012-07-10 08:59:30 2012-07-11 09:07:19 2012-07-16 06:34:12 3D-CE6.h related: Rate Distortion Optimized Selection between Non-Zero Residual and All-Zero Residual in Intra Coding of Depth H.Liu, J.Jia, S.Yea, J.Heo, E.Son
JCT3V-A0088 m26040 2012-07-10 09:08:14 2012-07-11 01:34:02 2012-07-16 09:16:22 3D-CE6.h Intra Skip mode for depth map I-slices Eunyong Son, Jin Heo, Hongbin Liu, Sehoon Yea
JCT3V-A0089 m26045 2012-07-10 09:48:36 2012-07-12 13:41:55 2012-07-14 09:42:15 CE2 summary report: depth representation and coding Olgierd Stankiewicz
JCT3V-A0090 m26046 2012-07-10 09:50:42 2012-07-11 12:41:31 2012-07-14 09:41:25 Impact of View Synthesis Optimization (VSO) on depth quality Olgierd Stankiewicz, Krzysztof Wegner, Marek Domanski
JCT3V-A0091 m26047 2012-07-10 09:52:42 2012-07-11 12:42:04 2012-07-14 10:16:09 Independent intra-period coding in 3D-HTM Jakub Siast, Olgierd Stankiewicz, Krzysztof Wegner, Marek Domanski
JCT3V-A0092 m26024 2012-07-10 05:42:01 2012-07-12 08:41:36 2012-07-17 08:06:14 3D-CE1.h: Cross check on Mitsubishi-NTT joint proposal Jin Young Lee, Ilsoon Lim, Byung Tae Oh (Samsung)
JCT3V-A0093 m26048 2012-07-10 10:07:13 2012-07-11 11:01:00 2012-07-13 07:51:54 3D-CE8.h results on view synthesis optimization by Samsung, HHI and LG-PKU B.Oh, J.Lee, D.Park, G.Tech, K.Müller, T.Wiegand, S.Wang, S.Ma, H.Liu, J.Jia, J.Jung
JCT3V-A0094 m26049 2012-07-10 10:19:05 2012-07-13 07:48:49 2012-07-13 07:48:49 Crosscheck report for JCT2-0098 3D-CE6.h related: Depth Modeling Mode (DMM) 3 simplification of Qualcomm H. Liu, J. Jia
JCT3V-A0095 m26050 2012-07-10 10:21:06 2012-07-11 01:31:59 2012-07-13 21:39:34 3D-CE5.h related: Bug fix for independent estimated depth maps of non-base views in CTC L. Zhang, Y. Chen, M. Karczewicz (Qualcomm)
JCT3V-A0096 m26051 2012-07-10 10:23:17 2012-07-10 23:46:56 2012-07-10 23:46:56 3D-CE5.h related: Improved merge mode for inter-view predicted motion L. Zhang, Y. Chen, M. Karczewicz (Qualcomm)
JCT3V-A0097 m26052 2012-07-10 10:24:46 2012-07-11 03:39:47 2012-07-11 03:39:47 3D-CE5.h: Disparity vector generation results L. Zhang, Y. Chen, M. Karczewicz (Qualcomm)
JCT3V-A0098 m26053 2012-07-10 10:26:19 2012-07-11 02:09:02 2012-07-11 02:09:02 3D-CE6.h related: Depth Modeling Mode (DMM) 3 simplification for HTM X. Zhao, Y.Chen, L.Zhang, M. Karczewicz (Qualcomm)
JCT3V-A0099 m26054 2012-07-10 10:27:32 2012-07-11 00:50:01 2012-07-11 00:50:01 3D-HLS: Video parameter set for 3D-HEVC Y.Chen, Y.-K. Wang (Qualcomm)
JCT3V-A0100 m26055 2012-07-10 10:28:37 2012-07-11 00:45:47 2012-07-18 14:04:29 3D-HLS: Signalling number of to-be-decoded texture/depth views for MVC based 3DV Y. Chen, Y.-K. Wang (Qualcomm)
JCT3V-A0101 m26056 2012-07-10 10:28:58 2012-07-11 10:43:08 2012-07-11 10:43:08 3D-CE5.a: Cross-check result on JCT2-A0045 of MediaTek Tadashi Uchiumi, Yoshiya Yamamoto, Tomohiro Ikai (Sharp)
JCT3V-A0102 m26057 2012-07-10 10:29:40 2012-07-11 00:46:37 2012-07-11 00:46:37 3D-HLS: On reference picture list construction for AVC based 3DV Y.-K. Wang, Y. Chen(Qualcomm)
JCT3V-A0103 m26058 2012-07-10 10:30:50 2012-07-11 03:12:05 2012-07-11 03:12:05 3D-CE1.a: Generalized view synthesis prediction (GVSP) mode X. Zhao, L.Zhang, Y.Chen, M. Karczewicz (Qualcomm)
JCT3V-A0104 m26061 2012-07-10 10:50:34 2012-07-12 18:48:20 2012-07-12 18:48:20 3D-CE6.h summary report: Depth intra prediction Philipp Merkle (Fraunhofer HHI)
JCT3V-A0105 m26062 2012-07-10 10:54:17 2012-07-10 18:02:03 2012-07-10 18:02:03 3D-CE6.h related: Fast Wedgelet search Philipp Merkle, Hunn Rhee, Karsten Müller, Thomas Wiegand (Fraunhofer HHI)
JCT3V-A0106 m26068 2012-07-10 11:45:53 2012-07-13 20:38:50 2012-07-19 10:13:42 3D-CE3 summary report: Depth resampling and filtering Dmytro Rusanovskyy
JCT3V-A0107 m26069 2012-07-10 11:51:19 2012-07-10 22:54:51 2012-07-10 22:54:51 3DV-CE1.a: Block-based View Synthesis Prediction for 3DV-ATM Wenyi Su (USTC), Dmytro Rusanovskyy(Nokia), Miska M. Hannuksela (Nokia)
JCT3V-A0108 m26070 2012-07-10 11:51:56 2012-07-10 22:28:36 2012-07-10 22:28:36 3DV-CE3: Enabling H.264/AVC deblocking for depth map coding in 3DV-ATM Dmytro Rusanovskyy (Nokia), Payman Aflaki (TUT), Miska M. Hannuksela (Nokia),
JCT3V-A0109 m26071 2012-07-10 11:52:50 2012-07-10 22:34:58 2012-07-10 22:34:58 3DV-CE3: Non-linear Depth Map Upsampling for 3DV-ATM Post-Processing Payman Aflaki (TUT), Dmytro Rusanovskyy (Nokia), Miska Hannuksela (Nokia)
JCT3V-A0110 m26072 2012-07-10 11:53:11 2012-07-10 23:14:10 2012-07-10 23:14:10 3DV-CE3: Non-linear Depth Map Downsampling for 3DV-ATM Coding (Pre-processing) Payman Aflaki (TUT), Dmytro Rusanovskyy (Nokia), Miska M. Hannuksela (Nokia)
JCT3V-A0111 m26073 2012-07-10 11:53:37 2012-07-10 22:44:11 2012-07-10 22:44:11 3DV-CE5.a: Modified DMVP for purposes of View Synthesis Prediction (Bug-fix) Wenyi Su (USTC), Dmytro Rusanovskyy (Nokia), Miska M. Hannuksela (Nokia)
JCT3V-A0112 m26074 2012-07-10 12:08:11 2012-07-12 22:35:22 2012-07-13 11:52:43 3DV-ATM HP: Calculation process for parameters of Depth Range-based Weighted Prediction with fixed-point/integer operations Lulu Chen, Wenyi Su (USTC), Dmytro Rusanovskyy, Miska M. Hannuksela (Nokia),
JCT3V-A0113 m26075 2012-07-10 12:08:43 2012-07-12 11:20:00 2012-07-12 11:20:00 On coding configurations for 3DV-HTM development Srikanth Gopalakrishna (TUT), Dmytro Rusanovskyy (Nokia), Miska M. Hannuksela (Nokia),
JCT3V-A0114 m26081 2012-07-10 13:24:13 2012-07-11 15:44:32 2012-07-11 15:44:32 3D-CE6.h: Cross check on region-based intra prediction of LG Hunn Rhee, Philipp Merkle (Fraunhofer HHI)
JCT3V-A0115 m26102 2012-07-10 15:08:08 2012-07-11 06:56:07 2012-07-15 01:13:01 3D-HLS: On NAL Unit Header and Video Parameter Set Design for HEVC 3DV B. Choi, J. Kim, J. Park (Samsung)
JCT3V-A0116 m26103 2012-07-10 15:08:55 2012-07-14 04:40:46 2012-07-14 04:40:46 3D-CE8.h Crosscheck of results on view synthesis optimization Jiwook Jung, Sehoon Yea,
JCT3V-A0117 m26105 2012-07-10 15:11:43 2012-07-11 06:56:24 2012-07-15 01:13:19 3D-HLS: On Random Access Pictures B. Choi, J. Kim, J. Park (Samsung)
JCT3V-A0118 m26107 2012-07-10 15:15:48 2012-07-11 06:56:40 2012-07-15 01:13:39 3D-HLS: On View Layer Switching B. Choi, J. Kim, J. Park (Samsung)
JCT3V-A0119 m26106 2012-07-10 15:15:12 2012-07-11 08:22:17 2012-07-20 09:43:05 CE8.h Depth distortion metric with a weighted depth fidelity term Jiwook Jung, Sehoon Yea, SeungChul Ryu, DongHyun Kim, KwangHoon Sohn
JCT3V-A0120 m26209 2012-07-12 12:35:16 2012-07-14 23:04:17 2012-07-17 08:35:06 3D-CE2.h cross check of adaptive quantization for depth map (JCT2-A0016) Yunseok Song, Yo-Sung Ho
JCT3V-A0121 m26214 2012-07-12 15:48:06 2012-07-12 15:49:42 2012-07-12 15:49:42 3D-HLS: Design of the Video Parameter Set for 3D-HEVC Robert Skupin, Valeri George, Thomas Schierl
JCT3V-A0122 m26225 2012-07-12 18:19:18 2012-07-12 18:59:51 2012-07-15 11:57:55 Maximum depth discontinuity signaling for view synthesis range determination Andrey Norkin, Martin Pettersson, Thomas Rusert (Ericsson)
JCT3V-A0123 m26247 2012-07-13 13:26:26 2012-07-13 13:29:18 2012-07-13 13:29:18 3DV-CE8.h: Cross-check of LG’s & Peking University’s proposal on View Synthesis Optimization for 3DV-HTM by Nokia Michal Joachimiak, Dmytro Rusanovskyy
JCT3V-A0124 m26265 2012-07-13 22:00:22 3DV-HTM High-Level Syntax: Video Parameter Set Design (Copy of JCTVC-J0075) M. M. Hannuksela (Nokia) Withdrawn
JCT3V-A0125 m26266 2012-07-13 22:04:57 3DV-HTM High-Level Syntax: Video Parameter Set Design (Copy of JCTVC-J0075) M. M. Hannuksela (Nokia) Withdrawn
JCT3V-A0126 m26079 2012-07-10 13:17:19 2012-07-11 02:11:02 2012-07-14 10:35:16 3D-CE5.h: Simplification of disparity vector derivation for HEVC-based 3D video coding. Jaewon Sung, Moonmo Koo, Sehoon Yea
JCT3V-A0127 m26110 2012-07-10 16:16:27 2012-07-14 14:28:43 2012-07-14 14:28:43 Cross-check of JCT2-A0087 3D-CE6.h related: Rate Distortion Optimized Selection between Non-Zero Residual and All-Zero Residual in Intra Coding of Depth Liang Zhao, Jicheng An, Shawmin Lei (MediaTek)
JCT3V-A0128 m26116 2012-07-10 16:41:52 2012-07-14 03:55:09 2012-07-14 03:55:09 3D-CE5.a related: Cross check of JCT2-A0046 on simplified derivation of disparity vector X. Zhao (Qualcomm)
JCT3V-A0129 m26117 2012-07-10 16:49:31 2012-07-14 15:02:18 2012-07-14 15:02:18 3D-CE5.a: Cross check of JCT2-A0045 on motion vector competition-based Skip/Direct mode with explicit signaling X. Zhao (Qualcomm)
JCT3V-A0130 m26118 2012-07-10 16:51:03 2012-07-14 04:00:07 2012-07-14 04:00:07 3D-CE1.a: Cross check of JCT2-A0055 on flexible rendering precision X. Zhao (Qualcomm)
JCT3V-A0131 m26120 2012-07-10 17:11:53 2012-07-10 20:21:57 2012-07-13 19:47:09 CE5.h related: Information on the impact of the merge candidate list pruning process on side views encoding Thomas Guionnet, Laurent Guillo, Christine Guillemot (INRIA)
JCT3V-A0132 m26122 2012-07-10 18:04:26 2012-07-11 19:57:19 2012-07-11 19:57:19 3D-CE5.h related: Cross check of independent estimated depth maps of Qualcomm Heiko Schwarz, Gerhard Tech (Fraunhofer HHI)
JCT3V-A0133 m26123 2012-07-10 18:30:37 2012-07-10 20:22:30 2012-07-20 14:49:36 CE5.h related: Reducing the coding cost of merge index by dynamic merge candidate list re-ordering Thomas Guionnet, Laurent Guillo, Christine Guillemot (INRIA)
JCT3V-A0134 m26124 2012-07-10 18:34:17 2012-07-10 20:23:02 2012-07-13 19:48:16 CE5.h related: Merge candidate list extension for disparity compensated prediction Thomas Guionnet, Laurent Guillo, Christine Guillemot (INRIA)
JCT3V-A0135 m26125 2012-07-10 18:36:51 2012-07-13 11:10:06 2012-07-13 11:10:06 3D-CE8.h: Cross check on simplification of view synthesis optimization of PKU and LG L. Zhang (Qualcomm)
JCT3V-A0136 m26134 2012-07-10 23:22:52 2012-07-11 00:02:29 2012-07-11 00:02:29 3DV-CE3: Cross-check of Samsung proposal for 3DV-ATM Post-Processing by Nokia Payman Aflaki, Dmytro Rusanovskyy
JCT3V-A0137 m26135 2012-07-10 23:26:53 2012-07-14 19:12:55 2012-07-14 19:12:55 3D-CE5.h related: Cross check of JCT2-A0126 of LG L. Zhang (Qualcomm)
JCT3V-A0138 m26136 2012-07-10 23:27:42 3D-CE1.a: Cross-check of generalized view synthesis prediction (GVSP) from Qualcomm by Nokia Dmytro Rusanovskyy Withdrawn
JCT3V-A0139 m26137 2012-07-10 23:32:06 2012-07-12 04:55:01 2012-07-12 04:55:01 3D-CE5.h related: Cross check of Inter-view motion prediction of MediaTek L. Zhang (Qualcomm)
JCT3V-A0140 m26138 2012-07-10 23:46:35 2012-07-11 16:23:00 2012-07-11 16:29:50 3DV-AVC HLS: On depth definition Shinya Shimizu, Shiori Sugimoto, Hideaki Kimata (NTT)
JCT3V-A0141 m26139 2012-07-10 23:53:17 2012-07-13 17:10:26 2012-07-13 17:10:26 3D-CE5.h related: Cross-check report of JCT2-A0031 on improved residual prediction Shinya Shimizu (NTT)
JCT3V-A0142 m26150 2012-07-11 04:44:20 2012-07-12 09:08:31 2012-07-12 09:08:31 3D-CE5.h related: Cross-check report of JCT2-A0095 on bug fix for estimated depth maps Y. Takahashi, S. Hattori, T. Suzuki (Sony),
JCT3V-A0143 m26151 2012-07-11 04:48:30 2012-07-12 09:13:21 2012-07-12 09:13:21 3D-CE5.h related: Cross-check report of JCT2-A0014 on simplification of AMVP Y. Takahashi, S. Hattori, T. Suzuki (Sony)
JCT3V-A0144 m26157 2012-07-11 09:19:24 2012-07-14 07:12:55 2012-07-14 07:12:55 3DV technical input: JMVC software integration of coding interlace texture with interlace depth Ching-Chieh Lin, Fang-Chu Chen, Wen-Hao Chung
JCT3V-A0145 m26163 2012-07-11 11:28:33 2012-07-11 11:51:56 2012-07-11 11:51:56 3D-CE1.a: Cross check report of JCT2-A0107 on Block based View Synthesis Prediction of Nokia G. Bang (ETRI), K.Y. Kim, Y.S. Heo, G.H. Park (KHU), W.S. Cheong, N.H. Hur (ETRI)
JCT3V-A0146 m26164 2012-07-11 11:28:45 2012-07-12 17:13:37 2012-07-14 10:47:35 3D-CE1.a: Cross check report of JCT2-A0103 on Generalized view synthesis prediction (GVSP) mode of Qualcomm G. Bang (ETRI), K.Y. Kim, Y.S. Heo, G.H. Park (KHU), W.S. Cheong, N.H. Hur (ETRI)
JCT3V-A0147 m26165 2012-07-11 11:28:51 2012-07-12 18:55:28 2012-07-12 18:55:28 3D-CE3.a: Cross check report of JCT2-A0037 on region based adaptive loop filter of Samsung G. Bang (ETRI), K.Y. Kim, Y.S. Heo, G.H. Park (KHU), W.S. Cheong, N.H. Hur (ETRI)
JCT3V-A0148 m26166 2012-07-11 11:28:59 2012-07-11 12:29:18 2012-07-11 12:29:18 3D-CE5.a: Cross check report of JCT2-A0045 on motion vector competition-based Skip/Direct mode with explicit signaling of MediaTek G. Bang (ETRI), K.Y. Kim, Y.S. Heo, G.H. Park (KHU), W.S. Cheong, N.H. Hur (ETRI)
JCT3V-A0149 m26171 2012-07-11 13:05:52 3DV: Cross check report of ITRI’s JMVC software integration of coding interlaced texture with interlaced depth (JCT2-A0144) Chao-Hsiung Hung, Hsueh-Ming Hang Withdrawn
JCT3V-A0150 m25818 2012-07-08 02:47:57 2012-07-11 23:23:07 2012-07-11 23:23:07 3DV: Quality assessment of stereo pairs formed from two synthesized views Philippe Hanhart (EPFL), Touradj Ebrahimi (EPFL), on behalf of Qualinet
JCT3V-A0151 m25966 2012-07-09 19:46:31 2012-07-14 17:40:43 2012-07-16 20:35:48 3D-HEVC - Rate control for 3D multi-view video coding W. Lim, H. Choi, J. Nam, H. Jo, D. Sim, Ivan V. Bajić
JCT3V-A0152 m26172 2012-07-11 13:35:32 2012-07-11 13:56:16 2012-07-11 13:56:16 3D-CE1.a : Cross check on NTT's adaptive illumination compensation (JCT2-A0022) Alexey Fartukov, Igor Kovliga, Mikhail Mishurovskiy, Jaejoon Lee, Konstantin Dubkov
JCT3V-A0153 m26178 2012-07-11 16:27:51 2012-07-11 16:36:14 2012-07-18 05:48:39 3D-AVC HLS: a show case of m25256 (view synthesis adaptation to display parameters) Yin Zhao, Lu Yu
JCT3V-A0154 m26185 2012-07-11 18:20:22 2012-07-16 11:53:58 2012-07-16 11:53:58 3D-CE1.h related: Cross-check report of JCT2-A0086 on Illumination Compensation for Dependent Views Coding Shinya Shimizu (NTT)
JCT3V-A0155 m26188 2012-07-11 20:35:21 2012-07-11 20:54:16 2012-07-16 14:57:18 Sampling filters for depth map video for 3DV (CE3 related) W Dai, M Krishnan, P Topiwala (FastVDO)
JCT3V-A0156 m26196 2012-07-12 01:59:51 2012-07-12 16:57:33 2012-07-12 16:57:33 3D-CE5.h: Cross check report on Disparity vector generation results of Qualcomm Jaewon Sung, Sehoon Yea
JCT3V-A0157 m26197 2012-07-12 02:00:49 2012-07-14 08:39:04 2012-07-14 08:39:04 3D-CE5.h related: Cross check report on Improved merge mode for inter-view predicted motion of Qualcomm Jaewon Sung, Sehoon Yea
JCT3V-A0158 m26198 2012-07-12 03:20:41 2012-07-12 16:12:05 2012-07-12 16:12:05 3D-CE1.a results on joint proposal of Samsung and NTT Seok Lee (Samsung), Shinya Shimizu (NTT), Seungsin Lee (Samsung), Shiori Sugimoto (NTT), Ho-Cheon Wey (Samsung), Hideaki Kimata (NTT), Jin Young Lee (Samsung), Jaejoon Lee (Samsung)
JCT3V-A0159 m26199 2012-07-12 03:58:14 2012-07-16 11:22:06 2012-07-16 11:22:06 Cross-check report for JCT2-A044: Depth Quadtree Prediction for HTM Jicheng An, Liang Zhao, Shawmin Lei (MediaTek)
JCT3V-A0160 m26184 2012-07-11 18:07:37 2012-07-14 10:22:40 2012-07-14 10:22:40 3D-CE5.h related: Cross Check of Disparity Vector Derivation Simplification by MediaTek (JCT2-A0047) J. Jung, K. Viswanathan, (Orange Labs)
JCT3V-A0161 m26267 2012-07-13 22:05:44 2012-07-13 22:10:29 2012-07-13 22:10:29 3DV-HTM High-Level Syntax: Video Parameter Set Design (Copy of JCTVC-J0075) M. M. Hannuksela (Nokia)
JCT3V-A0162 m26268 2012-07-13 22:29:55 2012-07-13 22:36:57 2012-07-13 22:36:57 3D-CE6.a Summary Report: Depth Intra Prediction M. M. Hannuksela (Nokia)
JCT3V-A0163 m26275 2012-07-14 01:34:08 2012-07-14 01:43:26 2012-07-15 18:59:06 Show-case and syntax for SEI message on reference display information signaling A. Norkin, I. GIrdzijauskas (Ericsson), Y. Zhao, L. Yu (Zhejiang University)
JCT3V-A0164 m26282 2012-07-14 10:50:19 2012-07-14 10:55:45 2012-07-14 13:07:52 3DV: Cross check report of ITRI’s JMVC software integration of coding interlaced texture with interlaced depth (JCT2-A0144) Chao-Hsiung Hung, Hsueh-Ming Hang
JCT3V-A0165 m26285 2012-07-14 12:41:11 2012-07-14 17:34:41 2012-07-14 17:34:41 3D-CE1.a: Cross check of JCT2-A0158 results on joint proposal of Samsung and NTT X. Zhao (Qualcomm)
JCT3V-A0166 m26293 2012-07-14 21:08:09 2012-07-14 21:13:00 2012-07-19 11:03:54 3DV-ATM High-Level Syntax: Loss Detection of Camera Parameter Sets M. M. Hannuksela (Nokia)
JCT3V-A0167 m26305 2012-07-16 04:02:24 2012-07-16 16:32:36 2012-07-19 03:14:11 3D-CE8.h: cross check report of view synthesis optimization by Samsumg, HHI and LG-PKU (JCT2-A0093) Yichen Zhang, Lu Yu(Zhejiang University)
JCT3V-A0168 m26307 2012-07-16 10:13:29 2012-07-16 10:17:45 2012-07-16 10:17:45 Additional Cross Check of 3D-CE7.h Results on Global Depth and View Prediction of NICT by Poznan Krzysztof Wegner, Olgierd Stankiewicz
JCT3V-A0169 m26308 2012-07-16 18:16:39 2012-07-17 11:22:08 2012-07-17 11:22:08 3D-CE3.a related: The simplification of the de-blocking scheme for PSIP and DISP G. Bang (ETRI), K.Y. Kim, Y.S. Heo, G.H. Park (KHU), W.S. Cheong, N.H. Hur (ETRI)
JCT3V-A0170 m26315 2012-07-17 11:47:14 2012-07-17 12:16:11 2012-07-17 17:58:36 Proposed modifications to MVC+depth WD to include interlaced depth Fang-Chu Chen, Ching-Chieh Lin, (Industrial Technology Research Institute)
JCT3V-A0171 m26319 2012-07-17 23:02:08 2012-07-18 06:22:31 2012-07-18 06:22:31 JCT-3V Break-Out Report : CE5.h Motion/mode Parameter Prediction Sehoon Yea
JCT3V-A0172 m26320 2012-07-18 06:44:10 2012-07-18 07:19:13 2012-07-18 07:19:13 3DV CE7h Subjective Test Results on Global Depth and View Prediction Takanori Senoh
JCT3V-A0173 m26322 2012-07-18 09:51:58 2012-07-18 09:53:59 2012-07-18 09:53:59 BoG Report on HEVC-based depth intra prediction (CE6.h) Philipp Merkle
JCT3V-A0174 m26324 2012-07-18 10:12:21 2012-07-18 10:47:05 2012-07-19 16:30:43 Draft Text of ISO/IEC 14496-10:2012/DAM 2 MVC extensions for inclusion of depth maps T. Suzuki (Sony), M. Hannuksela (Nokia), Y. Chen (Qualcomm), S. Hattori (Sony)
JCT3V-A0175 m26330 2012-07-18 16:30:31 2012-07-18 16:45:11 2012-07-18 16:45:11 BoG Report: Preparation of Text on an Exploration Experiment on Warp Coding and Synthesis Nikolce Stefanoski
JCT3V-A0176 m26336 2012-07-19 13:55:48 2012-07-19 14:01:42 2012-07-19 14:01:42 BoG Report on HEVC-based RD Optimization (CE8.h) Gerhard Tech
JCT3V-A0177 m26347 2012-07-20 09:40:37 2012-07-20 09:53:49 2012-07-20 09:53:49 BoG on high-level syntax for extension planning Y.-K. Wang (Qualcomm)
JCT3V-A0178 m26353 2012-07-20 19:28:16 Solutions considered for NAL unit header and video parameter set for HEVC extensions Y.-K. Wang (Editor) Withdrawn
JCT3V-A1000 m26364 2012-08-03 23:27:41 2012-10-13 23:38:41 2012-10-13 23:38:41 Meeting Report of 1st JCT-3V Meeting J.-R. Ohm, G. J. Sullivan
JCT3V-A1001 m26359 2012-07-30 10:59:11 2012-07-30 11:03:56 2012-07-30 11:25:30 MVC Extension for Inclusion of Depth Maps Draft Text 4 T. Suzuki, M. Hannuksela, Y. Chen, S. Hattori, G. Sullivan (Editors)
JCT3V-A1002 m26358 2012-07-24 19:14:27 2012-09-09 06:45:40 2012-09-13 03:33:41 3D-AVC Draft Text 3 M. Hannuksela, Y. Chen, T. Suzuki (Editors)
JCT3V-A1003 m26365 2012-08-03 23:30:44 2012-10-09 13:54:57 2012-10-09 13:54:57 3D-AVC Test Model 3 M. M. Hannuksela, Y. Chen, T. Suzuki
JCT3V-A1004 m26356 2012-07-23 15:23:23 2012-08-21 13:49:40 2012-08-21 13:49:40 MV-HEVC Working Draft 1 Gerhard Tech, Krzysztof Wegner, Ying Chen, Miska Hannuksela
JCT3V-A1005 m26357 2012-07-23 15:28:42 2012-09-20 11:41:11 2012-09-20 11:41:11 3D-HEVC Test Model 1 Gerhard Tech, Krzysztof Wegner, Ying Chen, Sehoon Yea
JCT3V-A1006 m26366 2012-08-03 23:34:10 2012-08-06 15:48:49 2012-08-06 15:48:49 White Paper on State of the Art in 3D Video (Draft 2) D. Rusanovskyy, K. Müller, A. Vetro, J.-R. Ohm
JCT3V-A1007 m26354 2012-07-20 19:29:13 2012-07-20 19:29:51 2012-07-24 10:44:20 Solutions considered for NAL unit header and video parameter set for HEVC extensions Y.-K. Wang, Y. Chen (Editor)
JCT3V-A1100 m26349 2012-07-20 11:33:16 2012-07-20 11:35:58 2012-07-20 11:35:58 Common Test Conditions of 3DV Core Experiments Dmytro Rusanovskyy, Karsten Müller, Anthony Vetro,
JCT3V-A1101 m26342 2012-07-20 07:49:17 2012-07-20 07:51:33 2012-09-11 11:11:14 Description of Core Experiment 1 (CE1) on View Synthesis Prediction Fabian Jäger, Shinya Shimizu (CE Coordinators)
JCT3V-A1102 m26348 2012-07-20 11:27:15 2012-07-20 11:27:57 2012-07-20 12:35:57 Description of Core Experiment2: Illumination compensation Jaejoon Lee
JCT3V-A1103 m26343 2012-07-20 08:12:49 2012-07-20 08:15:41 2012-10-10 12:31:52 Description of Core Experiment CE3 on Inter-Component Prediction J. Jung
JCT3V-A1104 m26345 2012-07-20 09:02:10 2012-07-20 09:02:33 2012-07-20 09:02:33 Description of Core Experiment 4 (CE4) on RD Optimization S. Yea
JCT3V-A1105 m26346 2012-07-20 09:04:40 2012-07-20 09:04:59 2012-08-20 05:52:43 Description of Core Experiment 5 (CE5) on Motion/Mode Parameter Prediction Y. Chang, S. Yea
JCT3V-A1106 m26344 2012-07-20 08:19:26 2012-07-20 11:41:03 2012-08-23 11:14:52 Description of Core Experiment 6 (CE6) on Depth Intra Coding Philipp Merkle